Cleaning Packages & Specials

New Clients, Referrals and Quotes

At A1 Spar-Klean, we value our clients and their referrals! New clients can enjoy exclusive offers designed just for them. Plus, when you refer a friend, you both receive special discounts on your next service. Don't miss out on these great savings—request your free quote today and start enjoying the benefits of being part of our community!


Rules-Can only be used 1x as a first-time client-Can’t be combined with any other offer/ discount
Promo code- FIRST-TIME needs to be mentioned at time of booking 

Rules-Can only be used 1x as a first-time client
-Gift Certificate will be released after the work for New Customer is completed.-10% new client can’t combine with any other offer/ discount
Promo code-REFERRAL needs to be mentioned at time of booking AND the person’s name who did the referral


Cleaning Packages 

Residential Ceiling and Wall Package

Call (306) 533-1220

    Up to 1000 Sq Ft - 10% off

    1000 – 2000 Sq Ft - 15% off

    Floor area over 2000 Sq Ft - 20% off

RulesNot valued with any other offer/ discount-Spring and Summer and Fall Promos are not recognized with this package-Can be combined with packages the following packages; Special Needs Package, Repeat Customer Customized Package, Residential Occasional Deep Cleaning, Extreme Cleaning
Mention Package at time of booking

Commercial Ceiling and Wall Package

Call (306) 533-1220

    Floor area over 2000 Sq Ft - 10% off

RulesNot valued with any other offer/ discount-Can Be combined with package; Extreme Cleaning Package-Spring Summer and Fall Promos are not recognized with this package.
Mention Package at time of booking

Special Needs Package

Are you trying to navigate retired life with all your new aches and pains? Do you have a disability that makes it hard to keep up with cleaning duties and house keeping? I know from personal experience how exhausting those days are and the little energy you have needs to go toward taking care of yourself. We are here to help you to keep that independent streak and to give you a little helping hand when your home becomes overwhelming while you take care of yourself by giving you a discount on every cleaning.

Call (306) 533-1220

    Up to 2.5 Hours - $100

    Up to 4 Hours - $160

RulesNot valued with any other offer/ discount
-One Gift Certificate per appointment
-We do try our best to provide quality service in a reasonable amount of time, BUT some jobs end up taking longer to perform required tasks. If not enough time was picked you will be given the option of picking more time or to prioritizing important jobs and leaving out some of the listed services.

Mention Package at time of booking

Repeat Customer Customized Package

Have 1-2 of our professional house cleaners perform a Regular Scheduled Cleaning Service of your house, apartment, or condo. This package is available to any new or current residential cleaning customers that enter a regular cleaning schedule (min 1x a month). 
We want you to tailer our cleaning to your needs and keep to your budget. We do realize that everyone has different needs together we can create a customized plan that fits your lifestyle. 

Call (306) 533-1220

    Up to 4 Hours - $200

    Up to 6 Hours - $300

    Up to 8 Hours - $400

    Additional Hours - $50/Hour

RulesNot valued with any other offer/ discount-We do try our best to provide quality service in a reasonable amount of time BUT some jobs have some factorsthat just take longer to perform the tasks. If not, enough time was picked you will be given the option of picking 1.more time or to 2. prioritize the jobs picking to leave out some of the listed service.-Seasonal Promos, and Package 'Residential Ceiling and Wall Cleaning' can be combined with this package
Mention Package at time of booking

Residential Occasional Deep Cleaning 

Have our professional house cleaners perform a deep cleaning service of your house, apartment, or condo. Thispackage is available to any new or current customers. We do realize that each customer has different needs thats why we allow you to tailor cleaning services. Contact us to help you create a cleaning plan that allows you to benefit from flexible cleaning services and the convenience of sticking a budget.

Call (306) 533-1220

    Up to 6 Hours - $360

    Up to 8 Hours - $480

    Up to 10 Hours - $600

    After 10 Hours Additional - $60/Hour

RulesNot valued with any other offer/ discount-We do try our best to provide quality service in a reasonable amount of time BUT some jobs take longer to perform the required tasks. If not, enough time was picked you will be given the option of pickingmore time or prioritizing important jobs and leaving out some services.- This service can NOT be used in a move out cleaning- Seasonal Promos and Package 'Residential Ceiling and Wall Cleaning' can be combined with this package-Nicotine, soot, candle residue and drug residue deep removal and odor removal are not included in this package
Mention Package at time of booking
Contact Us for Full List of Options

Extreme Cleaning 

Have our professional house cleaners perform a deep cleaning before you move in or after you move out of your
house, apartment, or condo. If you have a HUGE MESS from that amazing PARTY and need help cleaning it up, or if
you require help with the difficult task of nicotine or soot clean up, you have come to the right place! 

This extreme cleaning package is available to any new or current customers. The best part is that this package is customizable, pick the services you want or need in your cleaning package and the number of hours you require. We allow you to tailer you’re cleaning to your needs so you can keep to your budget without breaking the bank.

Call (306) 533-1220

    Up to 4 Hours - $280

    Up to 6 Hours - $420

    Up to 8 Hours - $560

    Up to 10 Hours - $700

    After 10 Hours Additional - $70/Hour

RulesNot valued with any other offer/ discount-We do try our best to provide quality service in a reasonable amount of time BUT some jobs have some factors that take longer to perform the required tasks. If not, enough time was picked you will be given the options picking more time or prioritizing the important jobs and leaving out some of the other listed services-Does not include DRUG RESIDUE removal or cleaning in any capacity.-Packages 'Residential Ceiling and Wall Cleaning' and 'Commercial Ceiling and Wall Package' can be combined with this package
Mention Package at time of booking
Contact Us for Full List of Options

New Build and Reno Clean Up

We do Three cleans for the Public Contractors - PC.

Call (306) 533-1220

    Rough Clean - before or right after drywall is up - $0.70 a square foot

    Final Clean - After appliances and hot water are installed - $0.60 a square foot

    Powder Clean - After owners walk through cleaning touch up of dirt or dust - $0.50 a square foot

RulesIf the builder wants to include all three cleans, then all 3 cleans are $1.50 a square foot
Mention Package at time of booking

Contact Us Today For A Free Cleaning Services Consultation.

Call Now Or Visit Or Contact Page For More Information.